Article 3
Duties of Officers
Sec 3.1. (Regs. 18.010 and 39.030). The Worshipful Master shall enforce the bylaws and regulations of King Lodge and those of the Grand Lodge and ensure that the several officers perform their respective duties. He shall appoint all committees and preserve the ancient landmarks of the Fraternity. He shall ensure that all financial withdrawals receive two authorized signatures.
Sec 3.2. The Wardens shall assist the Worshipful Master in the performance of his duties. In his absence, preside in order of seniority. The Senior Warden shall be responsible for all Lodge communications. The Junior Warden shall arrange all Lodge meals, including setup and cleanup.
Sec 3.3. The Treasurer shall receive all monies from the Secretary, pay them out when directed by the Lodge and certified to him by the Secretary, and keep a correct account of the receipts and disbursements. His compensation shall be equivalent to the Lodge's annual dues and paid at the first stated meeting in November.
Sec. 3.4. The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of King Lodge, proper to be written, and make a monthly report to the Grand Lodge, as required. He shall receive all monies due said Lodge; and immediately pay the same to the Treasurer, taking his receipt, and make a financial statement at the first stated meeting each month, in the form required by the Grand Lodge. He shall open an account with each member, showing his names in full, and keep up the historical and financial records in each case. His compensation shall be the greater of four percent (4.0%) of the dues he collects or an amount equal to the Lodge's annual dues and paid at the first stated meeting in November.
Sec. 3.5. (Reg. 24.030). At the first stated meeting in January, both the Treasurer and the Secretary shall report the receipts and expenditures of King Lodge for the preceding year, specifying the different kinds of receipts and the items of expenditure, with the amount of each, for audit by the Finance Committee.
Sec. 3.6. The Deacons shall perform their prescribed duties and shall welcome and present visitors. They shall prepare the Lodge room before and secure all Lodge properties properly after each meeting.
Sec. 3.7. The Stewards shall attend to the introduction of candidates and assist the other officers in performing their duties when called. They shall assist the Junior Warden with all Lodge meals.
Sec. 3.8. It shall be the duty of the Tyler to guard the Lodge and perform other services as requested.
Sec. 3.9. It shall be the duty of every officer, committee, or person having control of Lodge funds to deposit promptly such funds in the hands of the Secretary.